Amazon AppstoreNew users of Amazon’s Kindle Fire, myself included, won’t need long to come across one annoying quirk of the Amazon Appstore. If you search it via a browser, you see the full range of apps. Ditto if you go through the “Apps” item on the Kindle Fire’s carousel launcher. But if you go through the Amazon Appstore icon on your device, you’ll only see the apps compatible with your device.

The Google Play Store lists all apps too, but when you search it on your machine, or if you’re logged in to Google on your browser, you’ll get a warning that an app is incompatible with your device. With the Kindle Fire setup, you’ll get that warning only when you try to download the app.Which can obviously cause all kinds of confusion as to what is available on the Amazon Appstore, and what you can actually use. I tried to get FBReader a couple of times before I worked this one out.

Of course, with the methods we’ve now gone over at length for sideloading .apks, this is a problem you can work around. But it’s an annoyance nonetheless. And if it bugs a pro user like me, it’s probably going to bug the general public even more.


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