Forbes has a guest article written by Kathryn Casey, a true crime writer with nine books published through traditional publishers and a tenth on the way next year from HarperCollins. She’s worked hard to develop a brand in this genre, but the catch is she’s not sure she can get another book in a different genre published. Her solution is to look to self-publishing as an option:

I’m looking at this alternative as a safety net. For me, it has a wonderful benefit: I can write a book, any book, and if my agent doesn’t get the right offer, I can self-pub my work as an ebook. This gives me the latitude to move out of my comfort zone. I can take more chances.

Casey has already self-pubbed some short stories on the Kindle and Nook platforms, and she says they’re selling well enough that it’s encouraging her to take more risks as a professional author.

Read the full article at Forbes.



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