From the press release:
I Save a Tree® is offering $80,000,000.00 worth of free interactive books and Virtual Library software to all public schools in the United States.
The Virtual Library 2.0 software and interactive books can be installed on a district server and all students and teachers within the district can access the interactive books.
I Save a Tree® iBooks can be viewed on Windows and Macintosh computers and can also be viewed on smartphones that include Adobe® Flash®.
I Save a Tree® has been publishing iBooks since 2001 and has published about 1,000 publications and hundreds of iBooks for some of the largest children’s book publishers in the USA, including: Capstone Press®, Abdo Publishing® Rourke Publishing®, and Picture Window Books®.
This company has been publishing since 2001 and it has put out 1000 (website says 925) books, plus hundreds (???) for what appear to be small presses. (I looked up Capstone Press and what they have on sale seems to be the scrapings at the bottom of the market.) So where does I Save a Tree get 80 million dollars worth of books to donate? Perhaps from Project Gutenberg? Or do they think that each of their books is worth $80,000?
Lies, lies, and more lies.