
From Tested:

Instapaper and its competitor Readability can send a compilation of articles to Amazon’s Kindle, formatting them for the e-reader and including a digest-style table of contents of the day’s articles. Since they primarily differ in presentation, we’ve set up both for comparison and compiled five-minute walkthroughs for getting the two services running. Instapaper and Readability are incredibly simple to set up–just choose the one that looks right for you.

Readability and Instapaper use Amazon’s document delivery service to send web text to the Kindle. This works wirelessly with the basic Wi-Fi Kindles and over 3G as well (which can cost money, but there’s an easy way to avoid accidental charges). Since they’re functionally identical, the setup process is almost exactly the same, too–Instapaper just offers a couple extra options.

Full details in the article.


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