Screen shot 2011 02 03 at 3 43 18 PMThere a new site called The Daily: Indexed, which is “A very unofficial table of contents” of the magazine. If you are interested you might want to go over and take a look.

I downloaded a couple of copies of The Daily and am not impressed. It certainly is not a newspaper in any sense of the word and is really more a cross between People, Sports Illustrated and a fashion magazine, with a bit of real news thrown in.

I deleted it from my iPad and have no intention of subscribing. It’s a real disappointment.

Thanks to BookofJoe for the link.


  1. i was prepared to hate it, but i was surprised to find that i don’t *entirely* hate it. yes, it’s like a mashup of people, USA today, and newsweek, but i think it shows a lot of promise. if they can beef up the news content, trim out the gossipy fluff, and let me customize what sections i receive a bit more, i’d be willing to pay $40 a year for it.

  2. It’s gpod to get your POV re

    “I downloaded a couple of copies of The Daily and am not impressed. It certainly is not a newspaper in any sense of the word and is really more a cross between People, Sports Illustrated and a fashion magazine, with a bit of real news thrown in…… It’s a real disappointment.”

    It’s not available here in Taiwan yet, and maybe never. I watched the press conference with Murdoch and press questions, it seems to be all bells and whistles, pretty colors
    and sleek stylists, but little substance. Someone has coined the new term “ipapers’ for these new newspapers on iPads and other tablets,, but I never had much expectations for the DAILY. Good to see your post here. I still say: the only real newspaper is a print newspaper. Get over it.

  3. My first reaction was that it was stunning. My second reaction: full of sound and fury signifying nothing. It sucks the battery power from the iPad also. From a full charge, the battery dropped to 90% after viewing the 2nd day of The Daily. The video is seductive but at the end of the time spent, have I learned anything? Not likely. Time would better be spent with a real newspaper like the NY Times.

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