No, honest, that’s not a linkbait title. Or, well … not too much of one. My husband found this absolutely awesome infographic on Livescience.

Source: LiveScience

Check out the image of the cephalopod skin vs. an e-reader display. Kind of creepy how close they are? (And why doesn’t WordPress’ spell-check recognize cephalopod as a valid word? That’s discrimination against lack of a backbone, I’d say!)

Wouldn’t it be cool if our e-readers could crinkle their displays? Or manufacture their own power? Talk about awesome battery life.

Anyway, just enjoy. The infographic kind of says it all.


  1. @Paul. Gee, thanks. Now you’ve given me a plot bunny for a Cthulhu fic. Like I needed another fanfic idea. 😉 (Still getting my head around my husband’s challenge to me to write the Supernatural characters as Watership Down rabbits.)

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