iphone4Our sister blog Appletell reports that the Verizon CDMA iPhone, and indeed the regular iPhone as well, is going to feature mobile wi-fi hotspot capability. Theoretically. It’s up to the carriers whether this capability is allowed to be used, of course, and it’s unclear how desirable it will be given that 1) bandwidth will probably be limited, and 2) carriers will probably charge through the nose for it. (After all, they charge for Bluetooth tethering already.)

screenlockOn a related note, remember the uproar over Apple changing the iPad’s screen-lock switch to a mute switch in OS 4.2 and insisting that it would not be user-customizable behavior? As was the case with Flash, it looks as though Apple may be about to change its mind. Wired’s Gadget Lab reports that beta testers have discovered a menu option to allow users to change the function of the switch between screen-locking and muting. Hopefully this will make it into the final version of the OS; it’s really annoying to have lost that switch.


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