The iriver Story HD eReader will be released this coming Sunday at Target and on
From the Inside Google Blooks Blog:
The iriver Story HD, which retails for $139.99, is slim and lightweight with a high-resolution e-ink screen and a QWERTY keyboard for easy searching. It includes over-the-air access to hundreds of thousands of Google eBooks for sale and more than 3 million for free.
We built the Google eBooks platform to be open to all publishers, retailers and manufacturers. Manufacturers like iriver can use Google Books APIs and services to connect their devices to the full Google eBooks catalog for out-of-the-box access to a complete ebookstore. You can also store your personal ebooks library in the cloud—picking up where you left off in any ebook you’re reading as you move from laptop to smartphone to e-reader to tablet.
Read the Complete Blog Post
Direct to iriver U.S. web Site (No additional info on site as of Monday, July 11, 2011). However, on the iriver Global site you can read about the Story HD eReader.
See Also: “Google’s First eReader Looks Just Like The Original Kindle” (via Business Insider)
The ‘Story HD Reader’ link above actually goes to the ‘Story’ page, not ‘Story HD’. This is a better link to Story HD:
They missed the boat in my market (Canada). Still can’t access the actual Google Books bookstore. So, by the time they roll anything out here, most of the market will have already been sliced and diced between Kobo and Kindle.