DSC_3730aIn the centenary year of his birth on October 27th, 1914, great Welsh poet Dylan Thomas is to be recognized with a grant of almost £1 million ($1.68 million) from the UK’s Heritage Lottery Fund to further develop the Dylan Thomas Centre in his home city of Swansea, according to advance reports from The Guardian. The move has been praised by ex-U.S. president Jimmy Carter, who has cultivated a long-standing enthusiasm for the poet.

“I have continuously advocated the importance of commemorating his life and work,” said Carter, as quoted by The Guardian. “It is great to see that this funding will ensure that the Dylan Thomas centre can continue to thrive in years to come.” Carter himself officially opened the Centre in 1995.

The Centre already had recognition from the Fund earlier in March 2013, with a green light “to progress plans to develop the centre, which is home to a permanent exhibition devoted to the famous Welsh poet, and to create more opportunities for local people and visitors from across the world to explore Dylan Thomas’s life and work, with the award of a first-round pass and a £40,000 [$67, 000] development grant.” The new funding will extend the displays at the Centre, especially of memorabilia, and will be used to secure its long-term future.


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