According to a press release, Karen Brodie, a former British Council senior official in the field of arts and literature, has just joined the UK literacy charity The Reading Agency as its new new head of publisher partnerships. The Reading Agency states that Brodie began her professional career in the rights departments of Harper Collins and Penguin before joining the civil service, where “for the last five years, she has lead strategic programmes and partnerships for the Iran team at the British Council and she has recently returned from a two-year posting in Istanbul as head of arts.”

At The Reading Agency,  Brodie will now focus on building partnerships with publishers to foster literacy and reading within the UK.

The Reading Agency chief executive Sue Wilkinson said:

We are delighted that Karen is joining The Reading Agency. Her proven skills in partnership development and advocacy and her global perspective and strategic leadership and management strengths will be invaluable to us as we move into the next phase of The Reading Agency’s life.

Karen Brodie responded:

Karen Brodie says:

I have long admired the work of The Reading Agency as a force for inspiring more people to read more. This is a unique opportunity to join a committed and dynamic group of people and to play a leading role in its publisher partnership and audience development work. I look forward to leveraging the talent and enthusiasm within the publishing sector, building strong and sustainable partnerships, as well as embracing new opportunities which will help us provide the most valuable and creative outcomes for audiences and authors.


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