What’s the best way to tell that special someone how much you care this Valentine’s Day? If you were to ask Jeff Bezos, he would probably tell you that cards have been done and chocolate is passé—no, e-readers and tablets are where it’s at. Amazon is currently running a big Valentine’s Day sale on a number of its most popular devices: the 7” Fire is $10 off at $40, the basic Kindle is $20 off at $60, the Kindle for Kids bundle is $20 off at $80, and the Paperwhite is $20 off at $100. (Those are the “with-special-offers” prices, of course—except for the Kids bundle, which doesn’t have them.)

Those aren’t the only gadget deals Amazon is offering, either. There’s a complete list of various marked down devices and bundles that includes a number of other bargains as well. But hurry—the sale ends on February 13. So lock in your order and be ready to surprise that special someone with the gift of an e-reader. Go ahead and Kindle some romance this Valentine’s Day, and maybe you’ll set someone’s heart on Fire.



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