images.jpgThat’s the title of a recent article on Mike Shatzkin’s Idea Logical blog. Here’s part of the review, but the whole thing is worth reading:

But as a straight ereading device, it just doesn’t cut it for me. The extra weight (over a Kindle or an iPhone) just isn’t sufficient compensation for the extra screen capability. It isn’t as good as the iPhone for reading in bed in the dark because the much more light it throws off makes it harder to avoid annoying your significant other. It took me a while to find it, but the lock that allows you to lie on your side and have the type lie in its side with you is managed by a button on the device itself, not a setting in the ereader platform, which is how Kindle and Kobo do it on the iPhone.

And Apple has not mastered the shopping experience for books yet. The iBook store shows far too few books per category. You see “new in fiction” and you ask for “all” and you get 23 titles? Give me a break! Or you go to “history” and see “recent releases” and you ask for “all” and see 18 titles? It looks great, but this is not using the unlimited bookshelf of the web to anything near its potential.


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