Rhode Island’s Narragansett Beer, which has already paid tribute to the Ocean State’s favorite squamous stepchild, H.P. Lovecraft, with its delirious Lovecraft Honey Ale, is now planning to roll out (the barrel with) another Lovecraftian potation: Innsmouth Olde Ale. Latest in its Lovecraft Series, the new brew is due to debut on April 13th.
Lovecraft’s celebrated “The Shadow over Innsmouth” is a natural for the kind of creative riff that Narragansett seems to be specializing in these days – although the original decaying and depraved seaport of Innsmouth was supposedly located in Massachusetts, not Rhode Island. For one thing, Neil Gaiman’s hilarious “Shoggoth’s Old Peculiar” has already set a precedent for batrachian brews, and Narragansett is arguably just delivering the beer to match.
Coverage of Narragansett’s Lovecraftian activities in Boston Magazine lays bare the library connection in the brewery’s efforts. “One of our ‘Gansett Girls is actually a librarian and she had this idea, knowing that Lovecraft’s birthday was in 1890, the same year our brewery was founded,” explains Narragansett Beer President Mark Hellendrung. “We thought it was a great way to give Sean Larkin, our brewmaster, a platform to really experiment with different styles of beer.”
Narragansett is already hosting H.P. Lovecraft Walking Tours along with the The Rhode Island Historical Society, so they’re obviously doing their bit to keep the legend alive – and burping. No word yet on whether the new recipe contains hints of ocean tar, sea salt, and Deep One ambergris, though …