Conquest-LogoI will be attending ConQuesT in Kansas City this year, from May 25th through 27th. If any TeleRead readers or contributors in the area would like to meet up, drop me a line! Likewise, if you are or know of someone in the Kansas City area doing interesting things with new technology in publishing, reading, or other TeleRead-related matters, let me know—I’d be happy to do a story.

This year, ConQuesT features authors Sharon Lee & Steve Miller whose works I’ve previously covered for TeleRead (and who I interviewed on my podcast The Biblio File), editor Gardner Dozois, and artist Ursula Vernon whose webcomic Digger is one of my all-time favorites. There will also be a couple of panels on e-books. I’m looking forward to it.

My coverage from when I attended ConQuesT a couple of years ago can be found here.


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