forecast.jpegThis is from a press release I received yesterday:

mediaIDEAS’ report shows the value of the US market in 2010 for paid e-reader content to be approximately $460.6 million. This content will consist primarily of e-books and be sold to a user base of more than 8 million. From 2011 onwards, their research shows that the availability of large format, high quality color, e-paper e-readers will promote the sale of magazine and newspaper content, as well as other types of paid content and e-books. According to the report, at the end of 2014, the US user base of e-readers will have grown aggressively to nearly 45 million, and the market for all categories of content sold for these devices will have increased to approximately $10.86 billion. And, by 2020, this e-reader content market will have risen to more than $33 billion.

More info here.


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