digital magazinesRogers Media Pulls All Digital Magazines out of Zinio and Launches their own Service (GoodeReader)
Rogers Media is likely the largest magazine publisher in Canada and they have pulled all of their digital editions out of Zinio. Rogers intends on launching their own Netflix-like app, called Next Issue magazine that will provide access to all of its magazines as well as dozens of high-profile American titles for a monthly fee.

Kindle Paperwhite gets Goodreads Integration and Kid-Friendly Reading Goals (GigaOM)
A day after Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablets got a software update, so too does its Paperwhite. Like the tablets, the Paperwhite gains deeper Goodreads integration while also adding some new parental controls that could help children read more.

French Government Rejects Plan To Tax DRM eBooks More Than Non-DRM eBooks (Techdirt)
For a moment, it looked as though France might utilize its tax system to make a point about how much DRM devalues electronic goods. A few months ago, an initiative surfaced seeking to amend tax laws in order to hit DRM-laced ebooks with a higher VAT. (Or, more accurately, lower the VAT on non-DRMed ebooks.)

A New Life for an Old School (Torontoist)
After 13 years of abandonment, the Shaw Street School is reopening as Artscape Youngplace.

Kindle Daily Deals: Fever (and 4 others)


  1. Interesting that Rogers media would pull all their digital editions out of Zinio. I’ll be curious to see how their “netflix-style” app looks for their digital stuff. Any idea how they’d make something like that? I’ve been searching for a good digital magazine software program. So far, Lucidpress is the best one I’ve used.

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