
We previously reported on Ereadplus’ free Kindle apps.  Well, I just got an email from Steve Coleman saying that some new ones have been added: have issued now less than 3 more free apps today, specifically designed for Kindle and other e-readers .

We’ve got a great SODOKU game for you. Perfectly optimised for e-reader screens. You can play at 4 different skill levels here:

Next is another game – a simpler, quicker version of Sodoku – this one called “FIFTEEN’. Try it here:

And finally, there is a new WEATHER FORECAST tool. Currently cities here are fairly limited, but we get some good feedback on this then we’ll keep working on and soon will have this tailored to the location of your choice:

You can access all these new apps using the menu link at the top of the site, where you’ll also find links to the scientific calculator, Google maps, currency converter, translation tool and thesaurus, amongst others.

We’ve also updated the bookmarker page, so you can access all these apps directly from the home page of your e-reader.


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