cash for reviewsDon’t Pay to Self-Publish (Joe Konrath)
This post for all newbie writers considering self-publishing. While it would be extremely helpful to you to take a week and read my entire blog to get a full understanding of how the publishing industry works, here’s the most important thing you need to know.

UK Government Wants to Accurately Identify Law-Breaking Web Users (GigaOM)
The U.K. government is set to announce measures to force internet service providers to maintain records of which customers use which IP addresses, so as to make online anonymity more difficult.

Shutting Down a Comment Section is a Bad Idea (The Digital Reader)
Over the past year a number of high profile news sites ranging from Popular Science to The Chicago Sun-Times have closed their comment section (or, in the case of Vox, launched without one), and now Re/code is joining that club.

The Rise of a Seven-Figure Advance (PW)
Seven-figure book deals are nothing new in corporate publishing. But lately, these deals seem to be happening more frequently.

Kindle Daily Deal: 15 Mysteries (and others)


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