Do Publishers Need a Bigger Boat? (Futurebook)
If HarperCollins does merge with Simon & Schuster will that be good news for writers? Or, for that matter, readers?
Penguin & Random House Merger to Complete in July (Good e-Reader)
Penguin and Random House have cleared the last hurdle with their proposed merger with China giving their blessing today. These two companies will officially join forces in July and will account for 1/4 of all books to be published globally.
What Newspapers Need to Learn from the Disruption in the Auto Industry (paidContent)
Newspaper companies might not want to think of their business as being similar to industrial manufacturing like the car industry, but in many ways it is — and they can learn from what other manufacturers have been through.
Feedly Announces Plans for an App Ecosystem to Replace Google Reader (The Digital Reader)
Feedly is widely expected to take the market dominant position of Google Reader when that service shuts down on 1 July, and today they made a move to guarantee their dominance. Feedly has just announced new partnerships with a number of leading news reader app developers.
Kindle Daily Deal: Dog Lived (and So Will I) by Teresa Rhyne (and 3 others)