author's guildA Beginner’s Guide to BookTube (Book Riot)
BookTube may sound like a root vegetable, but it’s actually an incredibly vibrant community of people who vlog (that’s video blog for those of you who are unfamiliar with the lingo) about books on YouTube.

Author’s Guild Expands Embrace of Indie Books, Authors (Indie Reader)
CJ Lyons, the award-winning, critically-acclaimed, New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, will be the first self-published author to serve on its executive council.

Apple Abandons Higher Education Reseller Program in Canada (GoodeReader)
The essence of the reseller program is to give discounts to University and College bookstores to stock iPads, Mac Computers, Apple TV’s and accessories.

The Business Rusch: Surprise! (Kristine Kathryn Rusch)
The point is that when you do things the same way, day in and day out, the predictability actually helps. In something like a blog, it makes the readers show up as if they had an appointment, expecting that bit of entertainment or information. It’s part of their routine.

Kindle Daily Deals: Soy Sauce for Beginners (and others)


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