Little Free LibraryHow Three Independent News Sites Survived Their First Five Years (Media Shift)
Maness moderated a panel recently in which the editors told their stories at the International Symposium on Online Journalism at the Knight Center for Digital Journalism in the Americas in Austin, Texas.

5 Tips for Being an Awesome Little Free Library Patron (Book Riot)
While I’ve discussed how much fun it is to be the keeper of a Little Free Library, I haven’t really talked much about my ideal Little Free Library Patron.

Will Proposed Rules Leave Behind a Population of Researchers? (The Scholarly Kitchen)
Humanities and social science researchers have expressed concerns about open access (OA) requirements, most recently in a research report done by the British Academy on Open access journals in Humanities and Social Science.

Overcoming the Scarcity of Attention for Books (GoodeReader)
With independent bookstores closing at an alarming rate and even libraries facing door-shuttering budget cuts, authors have lost a lot of the champions who once sold books by hand, who knew the titles on their store shelves and recommended them to their customers. Coupled with the influx of content as new books are published daily, quality material can still languish without a reader to find it.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Way Life Should Be (and others)


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