eBooks should be more expensiveContent Pricing Consultant: eBooks Should Be (Much) More Expensive (Digital Book World)
“Ebooks are terribly misnamed,” said Luby. “They’re not a product. They’re a reader service.”

Editor’s Note: Yes, I can imagine your reactions to this were much like mine. (Check date. No, not April 1.) Nor was it persuasive enough to make me go raise all my eBook prices.

Creators Need Beyond ‘Copyright’ to ‘Copy-Credit’ (Digital Book World)
Content creators and rights holders need to move beyond the business model of simply exploiting intellectual property rights to survive and grow, according to Jeff Jarvis, author of multiple books on media, professor of journalism at the journalism graduate school at the City University of New York and founder of media blog BuzzMachine.

Paper vs. Digital Reading is an Exhausted Debate (The Guardian)
Tim Waterstone’s claim that ebooks are in decline isn’t persuasive – and there are far more urgent matters for readers to discuss.

Amazon Launches Fire TV Set-Top Box (Boing Boing)
Described as a “tiny box you connect to your HDTV”, Amazon’s $99 Fire TV hits a crowded field, with Roku and Apple already offering nearly-identical products.

Kindle Daily Deals: The Paris Architect (and others)


  1. Re: e-book adoption

    From the perspective of display on a hand-held device books are an app. From that frame the evident adoption curve of the e-book has assumed an expected profile. So far it is a bell.

    Other factors of app adoption are at work as well. The print book has such an established market place and user familiarity that resistance to the new screen simulation product was overcome. Most adoption obstacles were dissolved by this familiarity. Books are in the same class as keyboards…everyone assumed that keyboard prompting was inherent in the transition from paper to screen texting. There was, and still is, an innocent compliance with keyboards including the inept QWERTY array. The same innocence has been in place with the print to e-book transition.

    Will the bell curve of e-book adoption be fulfilled? As such that can be anticipated. Both research practices as well as the marketplace indicate a smooth decline of the classical notion and adoption of the screen book simulation of the paper book. Meanwhile the resilience of book transmission overall continues its long and invigorating delivery innovations.

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