tabletNorth Carolina School to Return 15,000 Amplify Tablets (The Digital Reader)
Guilford County Schools announced on Tuesday that they were sending back all 15,000 Amplify tablets purchased at the beginning of the school year.

iPad Air and iPad Mini Comparison Video (GoodeReader)
We put the two head to head to give you an accurate rendition of how digital comics, eBooks, magazines, newspapers and audio/video perform. We show you the exact same content on each screen, so you can get a sense on how each handles it.

With eBook Sales Flat, Is Is Time to Experiment with New Models? (Digital Book World)
The Book Industry Study Group recently released Report Two of Consumer Attitudes Towards eBook Reading, Volume 4. It is filled with a lot of excellent data regarding eBook sales.

Amazon amps up its lures to get indies to go exclusive. Will other retailers respond? (Dear Author)
During the porn purge of 2013, much of the attention was on Kobo amongst authors even if the press was focused on Amazon. But while Kobo had pulled down the entire Draft to Digital catalog, a distribution service, Amazon had been systematically moving through the self published books and pushing books into draft mode that was erotic and had keywords like “virgin” or “child” or “father.”

Kindle Daily Deals: Cloudsplitter (and 4 others)


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