Penguin Canada Partners with Rights Agency (Publishers Weekly)
Penguin Canada will follow Random House of Canada’s lead in contracting out foreign rights sales to the Cooke Agency International.
Sony Begins to Abandon Retail Stores on the US (GoodeReader)
Close to 1,000 people will be losing their jobs and the only stores to remain will be in California, New York, Florida, and Texas.
A Big Bestseller Weighs in on ‘Publishing is a Lottery’ (Joe Konrath)
Yesterday, a big bestseller (really big) Barry and I know and respect emailed Barry in response to our post Publishing is a Lottery/Publishing is a Carny Game. The bestseller’s thoughts were so interesting we decided to post them here, anonymously, with our response.
How to Better Manage Your Freelance Income (Lifehacker)
Freelancing is rewarding, but it is not for the faint of heart.
Kindle Daily Deals: The Sound of Broken Glass (and others)