Goodreads Users Reveal What Makes a Book Readable (Good e-Reader)
Goodreads is not only one of the top sources for online book discovery, but the buzz platform also commissions a number of surveys that provide very real insight into what reading consumers are thinking. Asking their users detailed questions from how they are most likely to find new titles to what makes the choose a cover, actual useable information comes through via their surveys.
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Why Indie Publishing Beats a Mainstream Book Deal (Huffington Post)
The gatekeepers are gone. The agent, the editor, the lawyer, and the publishing house are no longer our end-all be-all in today’s literary world. User-friendly online tools like Smashwords, Lulu, and CreateSpace have empowered authors to industrialize their own art. I recently published my novel directly through Amazon and found it a cinch.
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With Tighter Coppa Regulations, Librarians See Hurdles to Kids Internet Use (The Digital Shift)
New rules take effect this month intended to protect kids’ privacy online, and some librarians are worried. Some say that the more stringent regulations may impede mobile app use in elementary schools—and also prevent kids from recreationally sharing favorite hobby sites with each other.
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Amazon Launches Graphic Novel Imprint, With George R.R. Martin Among First Authors (Paid Content)
Amazon will begin publishing original graphic novels and comic books under a new imprint, Jet City Comics.
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Kindle Daily Deals: “The Third Bullet” by Stephen Hunter (and 3 others)