toby nealBy now, you have probably read Hugh Howey’s report on – I mean, it’s been written about around the web for the last 48 hours, including here on Teleread.

The report has pushed other writers to come forward with their own earnings and information, including mystery writer Toby Neal.

She wrote an interesting blog post sharing a conversation she had with a writer who is on the fence in choosing between traditional and self-publishing. Neal’s post is interesting because she describes the difficulties she went through from not getting a book deal, losing her agent to finally deciding to self-publish. It was expensive, nerve wracking, but it worked.

That first book cost me $12,000 to produce and market its first month. (Now I have my book development expenses whittled down to a mere $4-6,000.) However, Blood Orchids paid for itself within two months after debuting in December 2011, and last year alone I netted close to a hundred thousand in sales.

For so many writers, for years, felt that getting a book traditionally published was the end game. That was the ultimate goal – and it is still is for many. But Neal’s story has showed that goals can change and develop base on circumstances.

Take it from Neal, who knows she has to be flexible in the marketplace.

Is indie publishing worth it? Would I do it again? Hell yes, it’s worth it. And I would definitely do it all again, and plan to. Would I do a traditional publishing deal? Absolutely, but it would have to be the right one.

Read her post when you get a chance. There is a lot of good information there for writers.


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