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This issue of The Journal of Digital Information (JoDI) is devoted to papers presented at the 6th International Conference on Open Repositories that took place in Austin, Texas during June, 2011. Tom Cramer from Stanford served as editor for this special issue.
Papers in This Issue Include:
- DAR: A Modern Institutional Repository with a Scalability Twist by Youssef Mikhail, Noha Adly, Magdy Nagi
- Document Viewers for Non-Born-Digital Files in DSpace by Elias Tzoc
- Repository as a Service (RaaS) by Stuart Lewis, Kim Shepherd, Yin Yin Latt, Andrea Schweer, Adam Field
- Chempound – a Web 2.0-inspired repository for physical science data by Sam Adams, Peter Murray-Rust
- Building a Community of Curatorial Practice at Penn State: A Case Study by Patricia Hswe, Michael J. Giarlo, Michelle Belden, Kevin Clair, Daniel Coughlin, Linda Klimczyk
- REDDNET and Digital Preservation in the Open Cloud: Research at Texas Tech University Libraries on Long-Term Archival Storage by James Brewer, Tracy Popp, Joy Perrin
- CLIF: Moving repositories upstream in the content lifecycle by Simon Waddington, Richard Green, Chris Awre
- Kindura: Repository services for researchers based on hybrid clouds by Simon Waddington, Jun Zhang, Gareth Knight, Mark Hedges, Jens Jensen, Roger Downing
- Beyond The Low Hanging Fruit: Data Services and Archiving at the University of New Mexico by Robert Olendorf, Steve Koch
- Building the Hydra Together: Enhancing Repository Provision through Multi-Institution Collaboration by Chris Awre, Tom Cramer
- Cloud as Infrastructure at the Texas Digital Library by Peter Nuernberg, John Leggett, Mark McFarland
- Sheer Curation of Experiments: Data, Process, Provenance by Mark Hedges, Tobias Blanke, Stella Fabiane, Gareth Knight, Eric Liao
- FISHNet: encouraging data sharing and reuse in the freshwater science community by Mark Hedges, Mike Haft, Gareth Knight
- Preserving and delivering audiovisual content integrating Fedora Commons and MediaMosa by Matteo Bertazzo, Angela Di Iorio
- Visualizing Research Data Records for their Better Managementby Alexander Ball, Mansur Darlington, Thomas Howard, Chris McMahon, Steve Culley
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