
Looks like Barnes & Noble has a winner on their hands.

From Harry Mccracken’s Technologizer:

If you’re not already married to one electronic bookseller, GlowLight is the first new killer feature to come along since the early days of E Ink. The Kindle Touch remains a fine product, and the $99 “Special Offers” variant is a good option if your budget is tight. But if you want an e-reader you can read in dim-to-nonexistent lighting without babysitting your battery, you want the new Nook. It’s the most usable, well-rounded, pleasing E Ink e-reader so far.

From Laptop:

At $139, the Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight is $40 more expensive than the Amazon Kindle Touch and the Nook Simple Touch, and prices itself out of the impulse-buy category. However, its additional features — an industry-first front-lit screen, anti-glare layer, and faster page-turn times — will make this version of the Nook Simple Touch appealing for heavy readers.

From David Pogue at the NY Times:

The bottom line: There’s no better E Ink model than this new glowing Nook. For the first time in e-reader history, you can have spectacular, crisp pages to read in any light, from beach sunshine to sleeping-spouse darkness. To make matters even sweeter, the glowy Nook weighs even less than its $100 predecessor (the nonilluminated Nook SimpleTouch) — just under 7 ounces. And it’s precisely the same size: 6.5 by 5 by .47 inches.Of course, you pay a price for these advantages. The glowing screen adds $40 to the price, compared to the nonglowing Nook and Kindle models.


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