Chris Meadows has already broken word of the forthcoming TeleRead podcast. Pass on your ideas within the comments area for his post.
How important is it to you that we do listener call-ins? We may start out without call-ins to keep down the complexities. Any thoughts on show topics?
As for a title, I’m personally thinking of “Ebook Talk, with Chris and Juli”—in homage to Car Talk. Love it? Hate it? Ebook Talk is just a working title.
I can see the show as a mix of news, views and practical Car Talk-style tips, with Chris and TeleRead Editor-in-Chief Juli Monroe offering their two cents’ worth and debriefing other TeleRead regulars.
Car Talk, of course, was two guys. Ebook Talk will feature a whole cast of characters, including at times Paul St John Mackintosh reporting in with a Scottish accent from Hungary.
Just to update this post, TeleRead community member Frank Lowney has understandably expressed concern over the number of steps needed to do the Talk Shoe routine. I wish it were simpler, especially for nontechies with basic questions. But the finished show will also be available via iTunes and, I’d hope, through RSS feeds. What’s more, people can always e-mail questions and comments.
And now for some other TeleRead housekeeping:
1. Due to domain-related gremlins, we’ve had Feedburner issues—affecting our main RSS feed and our mailing list. The following feed should now work: As for the mailing list, we’re hoping that the Feedburner fix should also get the list going again.
For now, seems to be fine for me. But .org isn’t resolving. We’ve brought the issue to the attention of our tech side. E-mail me at if even is not working for you (yes—I recognize the Catch-22 here, but maybe you’re learning about this via Twitter).
And an update, dated June 15: .Org is resolving again. Hooray!
2. The gifted Joanna Cabot, aka Ficbot, a TeleRead writer since 2007, has just published The Reader’s Guide to the eBook World, and some of her most provocative essays go far beyond the topic of e-books.
Among them? “On Being Married to a Non-Reader” and “Is It OK to Hate Reading to Your Children?”
Yes, she also serves up her share of e-specific tips along the way—for example, “My Favorite Sources for DRM-Free books” and “Lessons in eBook Austerity.”
Joanna writes with the special perspective of a veteran teacher who has been into e-books for years.
Recommended! Even if I weren’t TeleRead’s publisher! Price here in the U.S. $2.99, and I’m assuming that the Guide is available is other locations. I look forward to Joanna telling us more about the book in one of the TeleRead podcasts.
Detail: Thanks to Marilynn Bylerly for bringing the email list and RSS glitches to our attention.