

The Times and The Sunday Times are pulling down their paywalls this weekend to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee,

It is the first time since the wall went up in July 2010 that it the site is being opened up to non-subscribers.

The Sunday Times iPad app will also be available for a free trial this weekend, according to a release.

The site will be free on Saturday and Sunday and “will feature a range of special Jubilee content, including interactive graphics and video specials, pageant boat spotter guides, photos of the Queen from the past 60 years and live updates from journalists covering the celebrations”, the release states.

The Times and Sunday Times consider the opening of the site as “the culmination of a three-week editorial and marketing Jubilee campaign”, which included posters and souvenir specials.

Subscriptions in print and digital to The Times and The Sunday Times have a combined total of more than 290,000.


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