iPad toilet paper holderOne of the things I love about my iPad is that it liberates me from the constraints of my desktop workstation and the lousy body English of using a laptop sitting on one’s lap. I can use the iPad in a wide range of venues in my house and yard—pretty much anywhere within range of my Wi-Fi router.

However, one place I’ve never used the iPad is in the bathroom, and I really have no desire to do so. My philosophy about bathroom-going is that you do what’s on the agenda and move on, so to speak. But, whatever floats your boat.

CTA Digital notes that the iPad and tablet technology in general are revolutionizing how and where we view entertainment and/or work, and that their new Pedestal Stand with Roll Holder for iPad provides a convenient way to comfortably enjoy apps, e-books, videos and Web browsing “at home.”

The stand’s chrome pedestal also features an optional toilet paper roll holder for those so-inclined, and a solid heavyweight base that helps it stay in place.

The Pedestal Stand’s bendable gooseneck stand securely holds the iPad, leaving your hands free to attend to other matters, and it allows you to adjust the ‘Pad’s positioning through a wide range of viewing angles and orientations. Simply slide and snap the iPad into the padded stand.


• Compatible with iPad 2 and iPad with Retina Display (3rd and 4th Generation)
• Up to 32 inches tall with flexible 10-inch metal gooseneck stand
• Base Diameter: 7.5 inches
• Weight: 7.25 lbs.

The Pedestal Stand for iPad is available at Amazon for $44.99, and is compatible with the iPads 2, 3 and 4.


  1. For people who do like to iPad in the bathroom, this is a nice solution to how you hold the darned thing one-handed while you do your business with the other. And if you’re watching a movie or something, you don’t have to touch it again until you’ve done your business and washed your hands. My main objection is that anyone who has a bathroom already has his own toilet paper holder, so what do you need another one for? 🙂

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