In my endless quest for the perfect touchscreen stylus, I recently chanced upon a new product that broadened my range of choices at one stroke – the Kikkerland Pen Cap Stylus. This handy little accessory comes in packs of two, and in a range of colors, and can, according to the blurb, transform any pen or pencil of appropriate size into a perfectly capable touchscreen stylus. Naturally, I bought the thing to give it a whirl.

Despite its resemblance to a certain popular item for intimate protection, I can testify that the Kikkerland Pen Cap Stylus does its job more than adequately. It’s sized to match most pens that work with standard refills, and even pencils, and will fit firmly onto the barrel once pushed down. Indeed, the need to force the thing down on the pen makes for a more secure fit and a better stylus. The inside of the tip is solid, which takes care of any problems over trapped air at the end, and the texture of the stylus itself, while not the smoothest and most flowing around, guarantees serviceable stylus work for most devices, particularly when used on screens with screen protectors. It can also be swapped from one writing instrument to another, and as noted, comes in twin-packs to stretch utilization even more.  At $5 a pop, you can easily afford to rejuvenate a pen that might be worth hundreds of dollars.

So if you have a favorite pen or pencil you want to boost into the digital age, try the Pen Cap Stylus on for size. If the stylus fits …


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