Philip MerrillThe MSM and the blogging community may be at odds over the contents of blogs, but the medium itself is rapidly becoming mainstream.

The latest example is the memorial blog for Philip Merrill, the late publisher of the Washingtonian, who apparently committed suicide for health reasons.

None other than Vice President Dick Cheney is among the commenters–an illustration of the circles in which Merrill moved. (Obvious question: Did Cheney post personally to the blog?)

It will be interesting to see how the memorial blog will treat references to the seeming suicide–a self-shooting, it would appear. Will there be any allowed, and if so, what will they say? In the position of the Merrill family, I would permit tasteful discussions of the suicide issue from both sides.

Follow-up, June 24: I might be overlooking something, but I don’t see any references to the suicide in the blog. So goes it. I think this is a matter for the family to decide. Perhaps one possibility in the future, after the shock has worn off, would be a separate blog devoted to the right-to-die issue. The present blog is clearly for remembrances of Phil Merrill. The mission of the second blog might be different. Given all the controversy that Merrill’s publications inspired in his lifetime, he might well approve of this as another way of honoring him.

Related: AP story and other articles, including Deathstyles of the Rich and Famous in Slate.


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