Anyone remember Plastic Logic? One of the first wave of would-be Kindle competitors, the company got as far as taking pre-orders for its e-ink tablets before it simply fizzled, and was later bought by a Russian company which funded a $700 million e-reader manufacturing plant.
Now it comes out that Plastic Logic is producing e-readers again, and the first 1,000 of them will be part of a pilot program testing e-readers in Russian schools. The tablets run 12,000 Roubles (about $420 US) each; if the program takes off, providing tablets to Russia’s 52,000 schools could be rather lucrative. Perhaps more so than trying to compete with the Kindle and the iPad in the American market.
I suppose it’s a sign of just how deep some memes have their claws in me that I now have to resist the temptation to make an “in Soviet Russia” joke about e-readers reading you.
(Found via PaidContent.)