paidContent has talked to Charlie Redmayne, the CEO of Pottermore, about the deal Amazon announced to add the Harry Potter titles to the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library, the program that lets Prime-subscribing Kindle owners check out one e-book per month for free.

Redmayne admits that the deal may cannibalize some sales, but he believes it will drive even greater sales as readers check out the first book and decide they want to read them all right away. And Amazon is paying “a large amount of money” for the right to lend the e-books, which will also help make up for any loss.

And Pottermore will be announcing more partners and platforms in weeks to come. There is as yet no word on when or if the agency-model-using Apple will be one of those—Redmayne says Pottermore is “having conversations with Apple” but nothing is final yet.


  1. Quote: ” And Amazon is paying “a large amount of money” for the right to lend the e-books, which will also help make up for any loss.”

    Actually, what Amazon is paying all that money for is to make HP rentals a Prime members only monopoly. That’ll make it harder for others to start ebook lending clubs, perhaps in competition to Amazon’s scheme.

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