Journalist-blogger Alan D. Mutter writes an editorial in his blog, Reflections of a Newsosaur, about Rupert Murdoch’s relaunch of the Wall Street Journal as a New York metro-area local paper in an effort to hurt the New York Times (which I mentioned a few days ago).

Mutter feels Murdoch’s action is irresponsible tilting at windmills, wasting money and goodwill at a time when he should be more concerned about getting News.corp through the transition to being a digital media provider.

In Nate’s Ebook News, Nate the Great mentions that the head of South Korea’s second-largest on-line bookstore thinks that, at least in terms of Korean adoption, e-book readers will be a flash in the pan. Nate points out that the South Korean consumer electronics market is very different from the American market, with a lot more consumer choice available.

Wired’s “Gadget Lab” blog has a great piece on how the touchscreens of smartphones stack up against each other. It turns out that the iPhone’s touchscreen is far and away the best out of several units tested.

There is a very interesting picture of what diagonal lines drawn across the screen by finger look like on each model. The iPhone’s lines are basically straight, but the other phones mostly have squiggles instead of straight lines. Assuming Apple keeps up the same attention to detail, this bodes well for the iPad.


  1. Re: touch screen

    Flick, slide and pinch; elements of the touch screen navigation are acquired and refined from a general primate dexterity and haptic of hands prompting the mind. What is fascinating is this new navigational choreography reminds us of refinements of paper book navigation and it results from the same attentive and skilled intentions of the device maker.

    So, for a second, to take an analog approach, do distinctive maneuvers of touch paper and touch screen navigation suggest a differing optimal display routine for the extensive and cohesive content of the book? Yes, they do. And we already know the correlation of haptic routine and display format for paper books. So it should be possible to solve for x.

  2. About the “In Nate’s Ebook News”
    I have been reading quite a number of K.Herald’s articles on Korean e-book market with their far-too shallow and unfortunately incorrect assumptions for a couple of weeks now. All of them being rather negative, I tend to agree with their general direction, though. A few days ago, they published an article which claimed to know the bill for 3G contract between Amazon and AT&T. They even claimed that all Kindles in sales are WI-FI enabled. I don’t know where they are getting things like those. K. Herald usually isn’t that bad. I may say they are quite respectable in Korea. But they might have some other agenda this time.

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