Are you envying the light on the Kindle Paperwhite, but you’re not quite ready to give up your Kindle Touch or basic Kindle? Consider the Amazon Lighted Kindle Cover. I have one for my Kindle Touch, and it’s an excellent case.

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At a $59.99, it’s expensive, but it’s worth it. Mine is black, and I think it makes my Kindle look better. I’ve never been a fan of how the Kindle Touch looked. The gray color doesn’t appeal. In the case, however, it looks good.

Appearance aside, it’s good for other reasons. The Kindle is completely enclosed by the case, which offers good protection. The Kindle snaps in place, and don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere. If you like to switch between a case and “naked,” this isn’t the one for you. I’ve removed it once, and it was a struggle. I’ve no plans to ever do it again.

You don’t need to remove it, however. The case doesn’t add much weight or bulk. The front flap folds back for easy one-handed reading, and it’s comfortable to hold in that position.

The real strength of the case, however, is the light, which flips out of the top of the case. It’s out of the way when you don’t need it and easily accessible when you do. The light is powered from the Kindle’s battery, and while it does cut into your battery life, it’s not enough to be a problem. I read a lot, and I still only need to charge my Kindle once a week or so, when I’m using it heavily.

The light illuminates evenly and over most of the screen. There is a bit of shadowing on the sides, but it’s not enough to detract from reading. As soon as I’m into the book, I don’t even notice it.

Even lighting, low weight and sturdy protection make this an excellent case. If you want to keep your older Kindle for another few years, this case will help.


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