[easyazon-image align=”right” asin=”B007BZOGLG” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513p2QfXaYL._SL160_.jpg” width=”160″]
Snugg contacted me last week about sending me one of their cases to review, and I just received it today. It’s not the type of case I prefer (I don’t like cases that cover the bevel), so I won’t be using it, but I think my husband will like it just fine. I tested it on an iPad 4, but it should fit the iPad 2 and 3 just fine as well.
The product description claims the case is leather, but it’s really synthetic leather, which isn’t a surprise considering the price. However, it feels good in the hand, and there’s only a faint chemical smell out of the box. I’m confident the smell will fade quickly.
It’s an attractive case. I particularly like the contrast of the white stitching against the black, and it’s hard to see in the pictures, but the nubuck fibre on the interior is a dark black, even more striking against the white stitching. You won’t feel embarrassed to take it to a meeting.
The two landscape stand positions are at a good angle. The more upright position leans back a bit further than my Smart Case, and the Snugg’s angle is, I think, better for use at a table. My Smart Cover just seems too upright for comfort.
One cool feature is the stylus loop, which can be tucked back if you don’t need it. I don’t use a stylus much with my iPad, but I have occasionally wished for a loop on the Smart Cover. I have two styli, and one is noticeably thicker. Both slipped into the loop easily.
Another interesting feature is the hand strap. If you like those, and assuming your hand is big enough to reach (mine isn’t), you might like it. With my tiny hands, I can get the tips of my fingers in it, and that’s all. Not enough to be useful.
I said that it won’t replace my Smart Case, and there’s three reasons for that. One, as I said above, is that I don’t like cases that cover the bevel. That’s an entirely personal preference and in no way affects my rating of this case. The second is that it’s quite a bit thicker than my Smart Case, and I’ve gotten used to a case that adds almost no weight/bulk. Again, that’s the trade-off with a case like this, and while the Snugg is a bit bulkier than other cases of its kind, it’s not bulky enough to downgrade my rating.
However, the third reason is significant enough for me to knock a full reader off my rating: The sleep/wake function isn’t reliable at all. I spent several minutes opening and closing the case, and while it turned it on every time, the case only turned off the iPad about half the time, even when I was careful to line up the magnets exactly. My Smart Case hasn’t failed me once, and I’ve gotten used to closing the case and not worrying about it. I’m suspecting, by the way, that it isn’t a flaw with this particular case, but that it’s a flaw of this style of case. My husband’s old Griffin case, which is similar to the Snugg, has the same problem.
If you like this style of case and using the sleep/wake function isn’t a big deal for you—my husband, for example, doesn’t care and turns the function off—the Snugg is a nice case, especially if you like hand straps.
Snugg has similar cases for the iPad mini, the Nexus 7 and others, so if you like it, there’s probably one for your specific tablet. I’ll give it a solid 4 e-reader rating.
TeleRead Rating:
Buy the Snugg iPad 4 Executive Case Cover and Flip Stand
Read other articles and reviews about accessories
Provides: Protection from damage, convenience for work and entertainment uses
Manufacturer: Snugg
Price: $39.99
Availability: Now
Great review, Juli! Just to let you know, the case featured is for the iPad 4 and 3. While it will probably fit the iPad 2, it’s not made for that device – so if you’ve got an iPad 2, you’re probably best getting one of our cases made specifically for it!