gI_0_OMBookGreenEggsAndHam0.jpgAccording to the press release from Oceanhouse Media, this is the 50th anniversary of Green Eggs and Ham. The release goes on to say that the book was originally published in August of 1960 and is the #4 best selling English-language children’s book of all time.

Dr. Seuss’s publisher (Bennett Cerf) wagered $50 that the author could not write a book using only fifty words. Dr. Seuss won the bet, says Oceanhouse Media.

Oceanhouse has a ton of Dr. Seuss books on sale, along with several games. The release doesn’t say how long the sale will last.


  1. I said it mad,
    I said it glad,
    I will not read upon iPad.

    Will you read it with a friend?
    Will your bias now amend?

    I will not read it with a friend,
    I will not my bias now amend,
    I said it mad,
    I said it glad;
    I will not read upon iPad.

    Will you read it in a dirndl?
    Will you read it by a Kindle?

    Not not try to make me mad
    I will not read upon iPad.

    I will not try to make you mad
    But your silly bias makes me sad.

    Fine, I will read it just one time
    To show you iPad cannot rhyme
    My my… this iPad sure is fun…
    How easy to type,
    How proven the hype!

    I am glad to say I’ve changed my mind,
    And now my own iPad I’ll search to find.

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