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Learn from Data Guy, marketing and SEO whizzes, and others at DBW

DBW 16 presents some of the most dynamic, forward-thinking leaders who are shaping and driving the digital publishing industry


digitalbookworldFrom Data Guy to SEO and marketing whizzes, an exciting line-up of speakers will enlighten TeleRead community members and others at the Digital Book World Conference + Expo. The 7th Annual DBW event will take place in New York, March 7 – 9, 2016 at the New York Hilton Midtown. DBW 16 is the premier event (@DigiBookWorld – #DBW16) for book publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models who plan to thrive through and beyond publishing’s digital transformation. Registration and program details are available at digitalbookworldconference.com. Save five percent by entering the promo code TELEREAD5.

DBW 16 features an array of visionaries and influencers – both publishing leaders and pundits from outside the industry – who’ll share insights about the digital-driven, global content market and how to capitalize on every opportunity. The conference and expo – produced by F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company in partnership with Publishers Launch Conferences – is expected to gather more than 1,500 professionals from the book, content and technology communities.

Highlights of the DBW 2016 Main-Stage Presenters:

Data Guy (@authorearnings) is the tech and data wizard behind the Author Earnings website, produced in conjunction with Hugh Howey (@hughhowey), and he oversees Author Earnings’ data scraping and analysis. While the site’s focus is on what independent authors earn from ebook sales, Data Guy is steadily hacking his way to a deep understanding of the many statistical unknowns of Amazon’s growing but opaque marketplace, including market share for self-published and Amazon Publishing titles, the effect of Kindle Unlimited, how ebook pricing affects Big Five sales, and more. This session puts one of the most intriguing and quietly influential figures to come on the scene in recent years on stage for the first time, and will provide useful insights into important “known unknowns” while also showing how creative data hacks can help expand our understanding of the business.

Scott Galloway (@profgalloway), clinical professor of marketing at NYU Stern School of Business, will present on the “Four Horsemen” of the digital era: Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google, which are all companies of great interest in the changing book publishing ecosystem. Galloway will address the overarching strategies of each of these companies, with particular insight into the role they are likely to play in the book business as they evolve.

Jon Taplin (@JonathanTaplin), professor of media studies, University of Southern California, has a unified theory of content and digital change, which he delivers under the heading of “Sleeping Through the Revolution,” the core premise of which is that Silicon Valley tech and libertarian values are devaluing content at the altar of digital change.

Virginia Heffernan (@page88), an author and journalist, frequently writing at Medium and The New York Times Magazine about the intersection of technology and culture, sees the Internet as a massive, collective work of art. From Facebook and Twitter to Google and Amazon, the Internet is made and sustained by the creative contributions of its billions of inhabitants, she says. This influx of content-creators into our digital civilization has shifted irrevocably the ways professional culture-makers gain visibility and make money. Her upcoming book, Magic and Loss: The Internet as Art, will be released in June 2016 by Simon & Schuster.

John Ingram, chairman and CEO, Ingram Content Companies (@IngramContent), has been leading the business for more than two decades. It was recently reported that Ingram derives half of its operating margin from businesses it didn’t have or were not material even 10 years ago. Ingram will talk about introducing transformational change while simultaneously maintaining the health of core activities, a topic that everybody in book publishing needs to know more about.

Rand Fishkin (@randfish), co-founder of MOZ (the most useful and widely-used SEO tool available), regularly delivers some of the most valuable information on search and SEO through his blogging. He will deliver a talk focused primarily on the two most important current topics for search optimization: local and mobile. In addition, Fishkin will do a break-out Q&A session at which DBW attendees can get their specific discovery challenges addressed.

Mary Ann Naples (@manaples), vice president and publisher, Disney Book Group, is reimagining how a modern day book publishing division can stay relevant and competitive in an evolving publishing landscape. Naples has leveraged the power of the Rodale brands while also creating new products, platforms and revenue streams in order to drive the business forward. This includes the introduction of webinars, e-courses, and the recent launch of Rodale Wellness.

Jonathan Kanter, an antitrust attorney at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (@Cadwalader) and co-head of the firm’s technology group, will focus on “Antitrust, Tech and Book Publishing,” and how book publishers interact with the big tech platforms. He will explain the current antitrust actions pending against big tech companies and the potential impact on U.S.-based book publishers. He will also talk about what remedies might be applicable in the longer term, to preserve the important services that big tech companies offer to consumers while at the same time protecting the rights and businesses of content creators.

Visit digitalbookworldconference.com to register (the best early-bird rates expire Dec. 15). Or e-mail digitalbookworld@fwmedia.com to enquire about attending, sponsoring or exhibiting.

About F+W, A Content + eCommerce Company
F+W connects passionate, like-minded groups of people to share an ongoing exchange of information, ideas and inspiration. F+W is committed to providing the very best experience for its customers across its communities – digital media, writing, design, outdoors and lifestyle, among many others. The company offers exclusive events, online learning programs, research services, custom content, books and magazines (digital and print), curated kits and other services to its millions of customers worldwide. (fwmedia.com)

About Publishers Launch Conferences
Publishers Launch Conferences is a comprehensive conference/education business that addresses the urgent needs of book publishing professionals around the world. The organization was founded by two highly-respected trade publishing veterans, Michael Cader of Publishers Lunch and PublishersMarketplace.com and Mike Shatzkin of The Idea Logical Company. Publishers Launch works closely with established players and institutions throughout the publishing world, to transition to prosperity in the era of new technology, players and paradigms. (publisherslaunch.com).

(The opinions here are those of Digital Book World and not necessarily those of TeleRead, and vice versa.)


  1. […] Learn from Data Guy, Marketing and SEO Whizzes at DBW (TeleRead) From Data Guy to SEO and marketing whizzes, an exciting lineup of speakers will enlighten TeleRead community members and others at the Digital Book World Conference + Expo. The 7th Annual DBW event will take place in New York, March 7–9, 2016 at the New York Hilton Midtown. DBW 1’6 is the premier event for book publishers and content providers of all sizes and business models who plan to thrive through and beyond publishing’s digital transformation. […]

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