image What if you could age backwards?

That’s the premise of an F. Scott Fitzgerald story that helped inspire a just-released movie of the same name—The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

Actually there could be a little more to to the origins of the movie than that, if some fans of The Confessions of Max Tivoli, Andrew Sean Greer‘s novel, are right.

For the freebie…

You can download the Fitzgerald story at and in a variety of formats, including ePub.

What’s new at Matt McClintock has been using Calibre to generate ePub, though he reports that he’s had some reliability problems when using it in an automated system. Maybe Kovid Goyal or another Calibre developer can pitch in to help Matt, who loves the program when it’s working (my suggestion).


  1. It’s a short story, actually, Raquel, and you’re in for a treat. I loved the writing even though it’s a little different from the usual Fitzgerald style and the characters are not as well developed as they’d be if he had written a novel. Can’t wait to see the picture. Thanks. David

  2. Sorry to say, the producers of Benjamin Button totally usurped the plot of Max Tivoli and have sold it to the public as an F.Scott Fitgerald short story. Just take a look at Greer’s webpage and he states that he was approached in 2004 for his story. He declined. I loved the movie, but it is far more a merger of the best of both tales. Maybe someone should interview the screenwriters who wrote the script!

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