pick.jpgEvery Friday I’ll post a listing of my favorite articles for the preceding week. Purely a subjective judgment.

iPad Review: Getting started by Chris Meadows

iPhone/iPad e-book app review: Fictionwise/Barnes & Noble eReader, by Chris Meadows

iPhone/iPad e-book app review: Amazon Kindle Reader by Chris Meadows

iPhone/iPad e-book app review: GoodReader by Chris Meadows

Michael Tamblyn of Kobo talks about what he has learned

Commentary on New Yorker piece on altruistic publishers and devil Bezos by Andrys Basten

Shelved! Google Books–My Library (Library Guides Series: Technical) by Tony Bandy

ODFToEPub coverts OpenOffice documents to EPub

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome now online

iPhone/iPad e-book app review: iBooks by Chris Meadows


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