Screen shot 2011-01-28 at 11.38.14 AM.pngAccording to Beyond Black Friday, the MidFirst bank in Oklahoma is giving away free kindles to people who open new savings and checking accounts.

But there are other Kindle-related promotions as well. The blog mentions a Portland alternative bookstore that will let customers trade in their Kindle for an equivalent value in books. Since they sell used and remaindered books, from $2 – $6, this could be quite a haul.

More at the site. Thanks to David Cassel for the heads up.


  1. Just to set expectations, it’s not that you get a Kindle for opening an account. You get a Kindle for setting up at least $250 in recurring direct deposit, 25 debit card transactions and using estatements (there are probably more, that’s where I stopped reading). Trust me: they make plenty of money in fees from those DD and debit card transactions to cover the toy.

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