Kindle Fire AppLove The New York Times and want to read it on your Kindle Fire? Until this week, you had to settle for the Kindle edition, which gave you the articles but none of the multi-media content.

No longer. Kindle Fire users can now run a New York Times app, with the features of the Android and iOS apps that have been available for a while now.

The Next Web has a nice roundup of the features and a short interview with Paul Smurl, GM of Core Digital Products at The New York Times.

We reviewed the New York Times app for Android and iOS earlier this year and compared it to the Flipboard experience.Kindle Fire App

If you’re interested, download the app now. The New York Times will be serving up free digital access to all sections of the paper from now until the end of the month. That’s plenty of time to decide if you like your paper served digitally.

And if nothing else, at least it’ll give you something to do until we see the release of the new rumored Kindle Fires later this year.


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