E-Ink watchesTo support and promote Read an E-Book Week, I have obtained two E-Ink watches, which I’ll be giving away to two lucky winners from my site! To be entered in the drawing for the watches, Do one of two things between now and March 11, 2011:

  • Purchase a book from my site. You can also purchase a book from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, etc, but you’ll have to email me a copy of your online purchase receipt (because the retailers don’t tell me who purchases my books, just that they’ve been purchased).
  • Send me an email answering this question: “What would I like to see in the upcoming sequel to Verdant Skies?” (Since the book isn’t finished yet, you never know what might end up in there!)

On Saturday, March 12, I’ll take two random names from the list of purchasers and emailers, announce their names, and send them each a watch!


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