
According to FUTUReBOOK:

But how ready are the Spaniards for digital? Liber, the 29th International Book Fair for the Spanish speaking world, starts today [5th October] in Madrid and takes place against the backdrop of the launch of, which publishers hope will lead to greater interest in e-books and e-readers and growth in Spain’s marginal e-book market. For the first time Liber has an area dedicated to digital.

A study by the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE), the Federation of Spanish Publishers’ Guilds, suggests 75% of Spanish publishers are either digitising existing content, selling digital works already, or creating exclusively digital material. It found that by 2012, a quarter of Spain’s 900 or so publishers expect to sell digital versions of more than half their backlist and a third will distribute a higher number of new titles as e-books, principally for tablets and mobile telephones rather than e-readers. Planeta, Spain’s biggest publisher and media house, chose this moment to announce that its entire Spanish language catalogue was to be made available through Apple España’s iBookstore.


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