conquest-logo Paul Biba isn’t the only one who gets to cover events this week.

This weekend, I’m going to be up at Kansas City for ConQuesT 41. I’ll be covering their panel relating to e-books and the future of publishing, and also trying to interview as many of the guests as possible (including Pete Abrams of Sluggy Freelance, and Toni Weisskopf of Baen who I previously interviewed via e-mail).

Are there any questions you would like me to try to ask one of the guests (or dealers, etc.)? Are you in or going to be in Kansas City and would like the chance to meet? Please leave a comment. I’d like to hear from you!


  1. Please as for discussion regarding the lack of adequate editing for ebooks. I have been disappointed in the quality of writing/storytelling in the ebooks I have bought. I realize the proliferation of ebook publishers makes monitoring difficult, but don’t these publishers recognize the need for professional editing, especially for new authors?

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