An interesting event for British science fiction and fantasy fans is shaping up for August, courtesy of Tor UK and independent bookseller Goldsboro Books. “Fantasy in the Court,” an annual event which “celebrates Fantasy and Science Fiction and is an informal gathering for fans of this genre to meet the best fantasy and science fiction writers published today,” and which will take place on August 12th in London’s Cecil Court, long cited as the inspiration for Harry Potter’s Diagon Alley.

Already 38 authors are listed as due to attend, with more to be announced before the event date. Blogging about the event on the Tor UK Books Blog,  Harry Illingworth, Editorial Assistant at Goldsboro Books, writes: “there is an extraordinary amount of high quality SFF being written today … The amount of SFF we sell is definitely rising each year.” And this for a bookstore which specializes in first editions, with a clientele predominantly of book collectors.

“Tickets for this event cost £5, which is redeemable on the night with the purchase of a book,” notes the blurb for the event, also supported by Harper Voyager. Cecil Court is entirely pedestrianized, making for ample room for fans at and outside the venue.

“SFF is possibly the most popular genre of literature that we sell,” concludes Illingworth. “Why? Well I think it boils down to a great relationship authors and their fans. No author is going to really make it without a strong readership and fans of SFF are some of the most devout you’ll find.” That can have its negative side, but everything looks good for a bright and positive August at Cecil Court.


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