UK game designer Simon Keating, “a designer in the games industry for 20 years” and creator of “the characters and stories for Croc : Legend Of The Gobbos as well as “a multitude of other titles” is seeking Kickstarter support for his new project Story Box, “a fully interactive 3D experience engine for kids and their grown ups,” as the introduction explains. “Users can read, play and create fun 3D interactive stories and learning experiences” in the app, built for iOS and Android, “for children (ages 3+) and grown ups.”

The outline continues: “Children have the space to play, create and discover using interactive toys with educational content that is easy to use and lots of fun. There is also scope for parents to add their own touches as and when they wish, making the whole experience between parent and child a personal one. Story Box includes a story creator mode for users to create their own stories and experiences and to share them between friends and loved ones. Even at this early stage, it already feels like an amazing tool for everyone to get creative with.” The app also aims at progressive building out through Story Packs. “A Story Pack includes both a story and a wide selection of interactive props which you can use in your own creations. Additional ‘Story Packs’ can be downloaded for a charge to regular users, but will be free for many of our backers.”

The project is still aiming for funding with a deadline fast approaching, and potential backers are advised to link over to Kickstarter and check it out in detail.


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