ufo.jpgThat’s right. As the site says: The files contain a wide range of UFO-related documents covering the years 1994-2000. Find out more about close encounters, strange illnesses, flying ‘Toblerones’ and unidentified objects tracked on radar.

Resource Shelf gives us a few examples of what you can find:

* A UFO sighted by Boston and Skegness Police captured on film and then spotted by a ship’s crew in the North Sea. Simultaneously, an unidentified blip was picked up on radar over Boston. A detailed investigation followed, which identified some of the lights as the planet Venus rising and the blip on the radar as ‘a permanent echo’ made by a tall church spire.

* A Birmingham man arrived home at 4am to find a large, illuminated blue triangle hovering over his garden. The craft ’shot off’ leaving behind a ’silky-white’ substance on tree tops in his garden, which he saved in a jam-jar. The file that contains the report of the incident does not reveal what happened to the substance.

* Copies of original statements taken from the UK’s ‘Roswell’, Rendlesham Forest, and calls for an inquiry into 600 alleged sightings in Bonnybridge, Scotland, known as the ‘Bonnybridge Triangle’.

* A West Lothian electrician spotted a ‘Toblerone-shaped’ UFO hovering over a field. A sketch of the craft is included in the report.


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